Sandra Capellaro
Jin Shin Jyutsu® and intuitive healer

”Working with Sandra remotely during this time has so many benefits. Moving stored energy around, releasing emotions that are flaring up, lovingly honoring my body’s messages and creating self touch that felt nurturing when we are not getting enough touch from others. For all these reasons, plus Sandra’s calming voice and demeanor has helped me move through stressors and allows me to show up more centered for my clients.”
Shari R., Intuitive Healer
”JSJ is a deeply relaxing treatment modality that anyone can benefit from. Sandra is a well-trained and skilled practitioner who transmits healing energy easily. I’ve seen her for several sessions and each time experienced a profound sense of relaxation, much in contrast to our chronic states of anxiety and tension.”
Ray Greenberg, Gardiner, NY
while attending to your own health. You can watch and practice this daily!